Swift 3: Beyond the first look


Run the command to know the Swift version you are using,

~$ xcrun swift -version
Apple Swift version 3.1 (swiftlang-802.0.53 clang-802.0.42)
Target: x86_64-apple-macosx10.9


Swift is a type-safe language. It can infer data type from default value provided.

Each variable need an initial value OR have to be declared with a type.

var aStringVariable = "Hello world"
var anotherStringVariable: String
var anIntVariable: Int                  // 64-bit signed integer
var anInt8Variable: Int8                // 8-bit signed integer
var anInt16Variable: Int16              // 16-bit signed integer
var anInt32Variable: Int32              // 32-bit signed integer
var anInt64Variable: Int64              // 64-bit signed integer
var anUnsignedIntVariable: UInt         // 64-bit unsigned integer
var anUnsignedInt8Variable: UInt8       // 8-bit unsigned integer
var anUnsignedInt16Variable: UInt16     // 16-bit unsigned integer
var anUnsignedInt32Variable: UInt32     // 32-bit unsigned integer
var anUnsignedInt64Variable: UInt64     // 64-bit unsigned integer
var aDoubleVariable: Double
var aFloatVariable: Float
var aBooleanVariable: Bool
var aCharacterVariable: Character

Some interesting notes:

  • Character can be double quoted in Swift. If not defined explicitly, it will be inferred as String, var myChar : Character = "a"
  • Boolean can’t be assigned to zero or one but true/false

Check variable type,

var lightSwitchOn: Bool = true
var dimmer: Int = 7
var dimmerWithDecimals: Float = 3.14
var veryPreciseDimmer: Double = 3.14159265359

// check variable type 
print(type(of: lightSwitchOn))
print(type(of: veryPreciseDimmer))

In general, there is no syntactical differences between Float and Double, but Double isn’t always better; use Float where speed is more important than accuracy.

var pi: Float = 3.14159265359
var pi2: Double = 3.14159265359

print(pi) // 3.14159
print(pi2) // 3.14159265359


Constant starts with ‘let’ keyword in Swift. Using ‘let’ is highly recommended whenever possible. Besides type safety there are some internal performance optimization by Swift compiler.

Literal vs Constants
A literal is a value that is written exactly as it’s meant to be interpreted. In contrast, a variable is a name that can represent different values during the execution of the program. And a constant is a name that represents the same value throughout a program. But a literal is not a name — it is the value itself.


Declare String,

let aString = String()
let anotherString = ""

Swift string class is built from Unicode scalar values you can type emoji directly into string literals. To popup the emoji keyboard in Xcode playground, type control + command + space

let similarTruth = "💰can't buy me 💖"
let similarAnimal = "🐙"

Print all the characters in a String

var anotherString = "Hello"
for character in anotherString.characters {
    print (character)

Notice that String doesn’t have any length property

let aString = "Hello World"

Reverse a String

var simpleString = "Hola"
var reversedString = simpleString.characters.reversed()
// Here, reversedString is a ReversedCollection<String.CharacterView>
// So you can not just write print(reversedString). Instead,

for character in reversedString {
    print (character)

String interpolation,

var name = "Kate"
var customizedBirthdayCheer = "Happy Birthday, \(name)!"

Finding a substring within a string,

var word = "fortunate"

Replacing a substring,

var password = "Mary had a little loris"
var newPassword = password.replacingOccurrences(of: "a", with: "A")

Conditional statement

  • Curly braces are REQUIRED, even if there is a single statement.
  • Parenthesis are not needed around the condition.
  • Pre/ Post -increment/ decrement are deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3.

If-else condition

let x = 5

if x < 5 {
    print("x < 5") } else if x == 5 {     print("x == 5") } else {     print ("x >= 5")

While loop

var index = 0
let x = 5

while index < x {
    index += 1      // index++ is deprecated

For loop

for i in 0 ... 10 { // for (var i = 0; i <= 10; i++ )
    print("i = \(i)")

for i in 0 ..< 10 { // for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
    print("i = \(i) and i * i = \(i * i)")

Do while loop

var index = 0
let x = 5

repeat {
    index += 1
} while index < x

Optional basics

  • Variable/constant has to be intialized before used. Otherwise, compile error
  • Optional variable/constant can have a value OR it will be ‘nil’
  • Optional variable/constant is strongly typed too. Either contain a valid value or ‘nil’
  • Opitonal variable/constant can be set to ‘nil’ explicitely
  • Optional variable/constant need to be unwrapped before use. Before unwrap you need to be sure it has a value.
var optionalString: String?
var optionalInt: Int?

if optionalInt != nil {
    var anIntVariable = optionalInt! // unwrapping
    print (anIntVariable)

// OR

if let anIntVariable = optionalInt {
    // execution will be here iff optinalInt != nil
    print(anIntVariable) // by default unwrapped
} else {
    print("optionalInt is nil")


Function with parameter and return type,

func calculateTip(priceOfMeal: Double) -> Double {
    return priceOfMeal * 0.15

let priceOfMeal = 43.27

let tip = calculateTip(priceOfMeal: priceOfMeal)

Function params are by default constant.

func placeFirstLetterLast(_ myString: String) -> String {
    var myString = myString
    myString.append(firstCharacter(of: myString))
    myString.remove(at: myString.startIndex)
    return myString

On calling a function, you need to specify the name of all variable as key:value (except the first one)

func foo() {
    // no params, no return type

func boo() -> String {
    return ""
    // no params, String return type

func coo(first: String) -> String {
    return first
    // one String param, String return type

func doo(first: String, second: Int) -> Int {
    return second
    // one String param, one Int param, Int return type

func moo(first: String, second: Int, third: Int = 2) -> Int {
    return third
    // Default param third set to 2

func koo(first: String) {
    // first = "Haha" // Error: params are constant
    // var first: String will make it a varaible

doo("Haha", second: 5) // Error: doo("Haha, 5)
moo("Haha", second: 5) // omit the default param
moo("Haha", second: 5, third: 3) // default param value

Chain function,

func addExcitementToString(string: String) -> String {
    return string + "!"

// chained together twice
let excitedString = addExcitementToString(string: addExcitementToString(string: "yay"))

// chained together 4 times
let reallyExcitedString = addExcitementToString(string: addExcitementToString(string: addExcitementToString(string: addExcitementToString(string: "wahoo"))))

External and Local Parameter Names,

// Prints out a string
func reverseAndPrint(_ string: String) {
    var reversedString = ""
    for character in string.characters {
        reversedString = "\(character)" + reversedString

// Takes a named parameter.
// forwardString - External parameter name 
// string - Local parameter name 
func reverseAndPrint(forwardString string: String) {
    var reversedString = ""
    for character in string.characters {
        reversedString = "\(character)" + reversedString


If no external parameter name is needed then we can use _

Pure Functions
A pure function is a function that only operates on the values it receives, and that returns a new value.

A huge benefit of pure functions is that they are easier to understand and easier to reuse because a pure function has no effect on any existing object in the app. Instead, a pure function generates something new: a return value. We can easily integrate pure functions into any app without worrying if they will affect existing objects.


  • Instance variable need to initialized with default value OR the class need to have a constructor
  • Constructor is a special function with name ‘init’
  • Current instance reference is ‘self’
class Person {
    var firstName: String = "Sherlock"
    var lastName: String = "Holms"
    var age: Int

    init() {
        // Constructor
        self.age = 50

    // Method
    func getDescription() -> String {
        return "FirstName: \(self.firstName) and LastName: \(self.lastName) and Age: \(self.age)"

var p = Person()    // Creating object
print("FirstName: \(p.firstName)")

instanceof OR is of type

class Person {
    var firstName: String = "Sherlock"
    var lastName: String = "Holms"

class Student: Person {
    var id: String = "0123456789"

var s = Student()

if s is Person {
    print("s is a Person too")

    var p = s as Person // casting to Person

} else {
    print ("This will not be executed")

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