Demo contacts for Android emulator/genymotion

When we create an emulator or genymotion device, it is kind of blank. What if we need a list of contacts to experiment with. In that case we have two options

  1. We can use our PERSONAL device. urgh!
  2. We can insert a bunch of demo contacts into emulator/ genymotion.


What if we accidentally delete/call/send text to our personal contacts? shoot!

Or, we might need to discard the emulator/genymotion and create a new one. In that case all our demo data will be gone!

Besides, our demo data will always look like a DEMO data. I mean, anybody can take a look at our contacts list and can identify the data are dummy.


I have created some dummy data (which would look like real data to most of sane human beings, hopefully) and exported the contacts into a .vcf file format. Anybody can transfer the file into your emulator/genymotion and import the file from contacts app.

And voila! you will get a bunch of contacts (52 contacts as of now). I have also post the file in github repository and of course you will get the latest data from there.

Github repo:






Data source: and

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